Acustica Audio Framework 2023 READ NFO-R2R

Acustica Audio Framework 2023 READ NFO-R2R-词宇音频工作室
Acustica Audio Framework 2023 READ NFO-R2R
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图片[1]-Acustica Audio Framework 2023 READ NFO-R2R

Acustica Audio Framework是Acustica Audio插件的运行时DLL。 在正版版本中,这些文件通过其Aquarius安装管理器安装。 由于您不使用Aquarius,您需要自己安装框架。

对于真正的Acustica Audio客户

Acustica Audio声明他们将通过他们的Aquarius检测到任何破解版本,并封锁破解用户的系统。 他们实际上在过去做到了。

R2R有可能使我们的发布在当前版本的Aquarius中无法检测到, 但Acustica Audio可以通过更新来轻松更新检测算法。 因此,我们从一开始就没有对他们的Aquarius采取任何反制措施。

如果您想继续使用正版插件/ Aquarius, 我们强烈建议避免使用任何R2R的发布!

这里是最佳解决方案: 卸载所有,出售所有,并成为R2Red 🙂



[1] 确保您的计算机上安装了”Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (2015-2022) x64″。

[2] 只需运行包含的”Make_APPDATA_Acustica_Dir.cmd”。 要手动完成这些步骤,只需在%APPDATA%中创建”Acustica”文件夹。

  • Acustica Audio插件将设置保存到此目录。 没有这个目录,诸如GUI大小之类的设置将无法保存。

[3] 最后安装运行时。 有两种方式安装Acustica Runtime。 选择适合您的更好方式。

(1) 简单方式 将”.\Framework-Official\Acustica\Framework”中的所有包含的DLL复制到”%WINDIR%\system32″。 完成。

(2) 当前Acustica方式 将包含的”.\Framework-Official\Acustica”文件夹复制到”%PROGRAMFILES%”。 (复制后,路径应为”%PROGRAMFILES%\Acustica\Framework”)

将”%PROGRAMFILES%\Acustica\Framework” (在最新的计算机上,它应为”C:\Program Files\Acustica\Framework”) 添加到系统环境变量中的PATH。

  • 如果您无法理解,请只需谷歌搜索”add system path windows”! 或者选择(1) 简单方式。
  • 有些人可能会问为什么R2R没有为此过程制作简易安装程序。 这是因为R2R不喜欢在未经通知的情况下更改用户的系统设置。

正确安装运行时后,Acustica Audio插件将显示在您的插件主机中!




您还应安装”.\Framework-R2R\w_dpcpp_cpp_runtime_p_2024.0.0.49848.msi”, 或从他们的网站下载并安装最新的Intel Runtime。


  • 未包含libiomp5md.dll。 我们没有包含那个文件,取而代之,我们包含了最新的合法Intel Runtime安装程序。 正式Acustica Framework中的那个是2011年的,显然太旧了。 最新的链接了最新的Visual Studio Runtime (vcruntime140)。 它具有新的CPU指令支持(如AVX),可以提高现代计算机的性能。
  • 删除了最近产品未使用的以下旧DLL。
    • ipp*.dll是用于旧版Intel IPP的运行时DLL,我们认为最近的产品不会加载这些遗留代码。
    • necryptopp.dll是CryptoPP v5 DLL (不是最新版!),在R2R版本中不需要 🙂
    • libguide40.dll是一个旧的OpenMP库,最近的产品应该使用libiomp5md.dll
  • 最后,您只需要复制由Acustica制作的DLL (Ne*.dll)。 NeArBr00.dll被删除,因为它与旧版Intel IPP相关,而在最近的产品中没有使用。


如果您不再使用Acustica Audio插件,可以卸载运行时。 只需删除文件并从系统中删除PATH行(如果在之前添加过)。

R2R团队 2023


这是Acustica Audio插件所需的运行时库。


!!! 注意 !!!

Acustica Audio明确表示他们在他们的Aquairus工具中检测到破解版本。







[1] R2R版本的优势。


  • 库根本没有加密(RC4/Scorpion)。
  • 库没有被压缩,但它仍然比正版更小。
  • 由于上述原因,库的加载时间比正版更快。

在一些文件较多的产品中,我们的版本比正版小90%。这是因为每个库文件都有一个DLL文件用于解密自身。即使是10KB的小文件内部也有约3MB的解密代码。在我们重建的库中完全删除了这些代码,因为您不再需要它们 🙂


[2] Acustica Audio插件是否有强大的保护?

对于初学者破解者来说是的。 对于经验丰富的破解者来说不是。


  • 了解DLL(如果您可以手动从UPX中解包DLL,就足够了)
  • Crypto RC4/RSA
  • 具有Win32API的编码经验


[3] 破解需要多长时间?

只需要几个小时,从一个女巫那里使一个产品能够正常工作。 实现像这样的库重建花费了1周的时间!

无论如何,保护方面在产品A和B之间有许多细微差别。完成所有这些工作需要很长时间,但这对于女巫们来说是有趣的一部分 🙂

[4] 上一个R2R版本(keygen)是在2014年。为什么花这么长时间?

  • 在我们能够做到这一点之前,我们不想将我们的破解暴露给公众(几乎是)。
  • 我们懒得做所有的产品。Acustica Audio产品的数量一直在增加。这个事实让女巫们变得更加粗心。

如果我们记得正确的话,我们已经在2015年制作了第一个可工作的破解(它是与合法许可证一起提供的)。我们知道Acustica Audio非常担心被破解。我们确信如果我们再次发布另一种”艺术”,他们会再次改变保护机制。这就是为什么我们将其保持为内部使用很长时间,并且自2014年以来从未发布过1或2个产品。

今天,我们终于决定发布它们。有100多个产品。没有遗憾。我们还认为这个发布可能会改变开发者的想法,并避免他们采取”增强保护!”的行动 🙂

[5] Mac!!!


[6] 开发者你好!


  • 我们已经展示了我们可以破解虚拟DLL技巧,并在2014年为您的产品生成有效的RC4 Crypt keygen。
  • 我们已经展示了我们可以解密/解包和模拟昂贵的商业保护,这些保护显然比您自制的保护更先进。







除了主要的许可文件方案(包含解密库的密钥)之外, 我们将介绍他们独特的差劲保护。

[1] 理解Nebula Image

Acustica Audio产品中有N2S、N2P、N2V文件。我们称之为Nebula Image。它们是类似ISO和ZIP的文件容器。它具有文件压缩支持(算法:Google Snappy)和加密(RC4 / Scorpion)。Scorpion是Acustica制作的自定义DLL文件,用于执行另一种解密。

[2] Nebula Image的工作原理

要使用一个Nebula Image文件,程序的工作方式如下:

1)加载Image文件。 2)使用RC4解密TOC(文件列表)。 3)获取文件列表。 4)获取FileA的偏移量和RC4加密密钥。 5)将FileA加载到内存中。 6)使用(4)中获取的密钥通过RC4解密FileA。 7)使用GoogleSnappy解压缩FileA。

某些文件在(7)之后受到更多保护。 8)在文件列表中找到SCORPIONX64n.dll。 9)将SCORPIONX64n.dll加载到内存中,进行DeRC4、DeSnappy处理。 10)虚拟加载SCORPIONX64n.dll到内存中。 11)通过运行SCORPIONX64n.dll内部的代码解密FileA。 在此过程中,SCORPION检查许可文件。 12)Image中还有第二个SCORPION,执行与第一个相同的操作。 13)最终,在内存中解密FileA!


[3] 增大体积

正如您所见,每个Image文件都可以包含SCORPION。由于Acustica Audio产品支持Win32、Win64、Mac32、Mac64、MacARM,每个Nebula Image中有10个DLL文件(因为每个平台有2个SCORPION)。当然,Nebula Image中还可以包含另一个Nebula Image。


[4] R2R的”优化”

在经过R2R重建的库中,所有的RC4和SCORPION都已经被预解密、从Google Snappy中解压缩出来。因此,我们还可以从Nebula Image中删除SCORPION DLL文件(每个Image节省3MB)。如果有1000个文件,它可以节省约3GB的空间。一些巨大的产品实际上比1000个文件还要多得多。

R2Ring之后,Nebula Image的工作方式如下:

1)加载Image文件。 2)获取TOC(文件列表)。 3)获取FileA的偏移量。 4)将FileA加载到内存中。

只需要4个步骤!我们可以进一步优化吗?这就像普通的ISO文件一样 🙂

由于我们发布的Image文件已经解密和解压缩,您只需打开您喜欢的Hex Editor即可查看Image中包含的文件。


[5] Acustica使用的技巧

  • 虚拟DLL – 基本上,DLL是通过使用Win32API LoadLibrary/Ex加载的。但是,也可以手动加载DLL,而不使用该API。初学者破解者只知道DLL和调试器使用的基础知识。通过加密DLL并虚拟加载它,初学者破解者无法进行静态分析和修改文件,就像其他正式的DLL文件一样。具备扎实知识的破解者可以从内存中转储(提取)DLL,或编写代码以修补虚拟化的DLL。Cherry Audio也是这么做的。
  • SYSCALL – Acustica Audio扫描system32目录中的ntdll.dll,并调用系统函数而不使用Win32API。这是为了避免被黑客进行API-Hooking。API-Hooking可以用于更改某些值以识别计算机(用于生成挑战代码)。Acustica Audio试图避免这一点。一些商业保护器也会使用这种额外的技巧。



This is runtime library required by Acustica Audio plugins.

They are just legit files with few insructions!


!!! CAUTION !!!

Acustica Audio clearly states that they detect warez version in their Aquairus tool.

If you are legit user who wants to dive into the R2R-Acustica-World, uninstall them and sell them.

Otherwise, we don’t recommend you to install R2R (and other) release.

No one can avoid the detection because developer can update the algorithm after the release appeared.


OK, let’s start the long NFO!


Before we start long technical notes, we should write about more
generic things about what people should have more interests.[1] Advantage of R2R release.This time, R2R didn’t crack the software. We did far beyond that. We’ve
rebuilt the whole library which works without any protection.* Library is not encrypted (RC4/Scorpion) at all.
* Library is not compressed, but it’s still smaller than legit one.
* Library loading time is faster than legit version because of the
reasons above.

In some products with many files, our release is 90% smaller than legit
version This happens because every single library files have DLL file to
decrypt themselves. Even small 10KB file have about 3MB of decryption code
inside. These are completely removed in our rebuild library, because you
don’t need it anymore 🙂

Simple and good enough!

[2] Does Acustica Audio plugins have strong protection?

Yes, for beginner crackers.
No, for experienced crackers.

Minimum required skill set:
* Know about DLL (if you can manually unpack DLL from UPX, that’s enough)
* Crypto RC4/RSA
* Coding experience with Win32API

Legit license is required to make keygen (or perform decryption like R2R).

[3] How long did it take to crack?

It just took few hours from one witch to make one product working.
It took 1 week to realize the library rebuilding like these releases!

Anyway, there are many small differences in the protection between product A
and B. It took long time to do them all, but that’s a fun part for witches 🙂

[4] Last R2R release (keygen) was in 2014. Why did it take so long?

* We didn’t want to expose our crack to public until we can do them (almost)
* We were lazy to do all products. The amount of Acustica Audio products
had been increasing. That fact made witches more sloppy.

If we remember correctly, we already made 1st working crack in 2015 (it was
supplied with legit license). We know Acustica Audio is freaky worrying about
being cracked. We were sure that they will change the protection again if we
release another “art”. That’s why we have kept it internal for long time, and
never released 1 or 2 products since 2014.

Today, we finally decided to release them. There are over 100 products. No
regrets. We also think this release may change developer’s mind and avoid
“protect more!” action from them 🙂

[5] Mac!!!!!

Our decrypted library is macOS compatible if you know how to! We are lazy
witches and we don’t release 100+ products for macOS. Too time consuming.

[6] Hi developer!

Finally you need to change the mind, after you found that current protection
scheme does not work for R2R. You have serious misunderstanding about it.

* We showed we can reverse Virtual DLL trick and make valid keygen for RC4
Crypt for your products in 2014.
* We have shown that we can decrypt / unpack and emulate expensive
commercial protections, which should be obviously more advanced than your
homemade one.

We can’t understand why you can believe in your super bloated multilayered
protection. With the 2 facts above, there are no doubt that we can easily
(at least should be much easier than paid protections) remove yours. As we
stated in the previous section, it didn’t even take 1 day for us.

Customer (incl. potential customer) are not blind. Please think about how
they feel, once after we proved these protections are making your products
really fat and decreasing the performance – and R2R ones are far better. We
saw you are saying that “legit version is better because you can get updates!”
but these updates perform much worse than R2R release unless you change your

Instead of threatening your customer, do the right thing. Make a statement
that you will remove the shit and focus on the performance and quality.

We – R2R, customer, potential customer are watching you.

Don’t let your customer selling your products and going to be R2Red.



Apart from the main license file scheme (contains key to decrypt library), we
will write about their unique bad protection.

[1] Understand Nebula Image

There are N2S, N2P, N2V files in Acustica Audio products. We call them Nebula
Image. They are file container like ISO and ZIP. It has file compression
support (algo : Google Snappy) and cryptography (RC4 / Scorpion). Scorpion is
custom DLL file made by Acustica, which performs another decryption.

[2] How Nebula Image Works

To use one Nebula Image file, program works like this:

1) Load Image file.
2) Decrypt TOC (File List) by RC4.
3) Get File List.
4) Get offset and RC4 encryption key of RC4 of FileA.
5) Load FileA to memory.
6) Decrypt FileA by RC4 using key acquired in (4).
7) Decompress FileA by GoogleSnappy.

Some files are more protected after (7).
8) Find SCORPIONX64n.dll in the file list.
9) Load SCORPIONX64n.dll to memory, DeRC4, DeSnappy.
10) Virtually load SCORPIONX64n.dll to memory.
11) Decrypt FileA by running the code inside SCORPIONX64n.dll.
License file is checked by SCORPION in this process.
12) There are 2nd SCORPION in the Image, do the same thing like 1st one.
13) Finaly FileA gets decrypted in the memory!

To make the things worse, SCORPION also Virtually load additional DLL which
is embedded in SCORPION.

[3] Bloating

As you can see, every Image files can have SCORPION inside. Since Acustica
Audio products have support for Win32, Win64, Mac32, Mac64, MacARM, there are
10 DLL files (because there are 2 SCORPIONs per platform) in 1 Nebula Image.

Of course, Nebula Image can have another Nebula Image in it.

This is how their Library gets bloated.

[4] R2R “Optimization”

In R2R rebuilt library, all RC4 and SCORPION are pre-decrypted, decompressed
from Google Snappy. As a result, we can also remove SCORPION DLL files from
Nebula Image (saves 3MB per Image). If there were 1000 files, it saves about
3GB. Some huge products actually have much more than 1000 files.

After R2Ring, Nebula Image works like this:

1) Load Image file.
2) Get TOC (File List).
3) Get offset of FileA.
4) Load FileA to memory.

Just 4 steps! Can we optimize more? It’s just like plain ISO file 🙂

Since Image file in our release is already decrypted and decompressed, you
can see what files are included in the Image by just opening Image in your
favorite Hex Editor.

Because R2Red Image files are plain, you get additional good compression by
format compression at the final stage.

[5] Tricks Use by Acustica

* Virtual DLL – Basically, DLL is loaded by using Win32API LoadLibrary/Ex.
But it is possible to load DLL manually without using that API. Beginner
crackers only know the basic of DLL and debugger usage. By encrypting the
DLL and loading it virtually, beginner cracker cannot perform static
analysis and modify the file like other formal DLL files. Crackers with
solid knowledge can dump (extract) the DLL from the memory, or write the
code to patch the virtualized dll. Cherry Audio does same thing.

* SYSCALL – Acustica Audio scans ntdll.dll in the system32 dir, and calling
system function without using Win32API. This is used to avoid API-Hooking
by hackers. API-Hooking can be used to change some values to identify the
machine (used by generating challenge code). Acustica Audio tried to avoid
it. Some commercial protectors do this as an extra trick.


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